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2024-06-18 19:42:23 +00:00
# Table of contents
- [Table of contents](#table-of-contents)
- [1. Description of custom types](#1-description-of-custom-types)
- [AccessToken](#accesstoken)
- [Building](#building)
- [Planet](#planet)
- [Research](#research)
- [Resource](#resource)
- [User](#user)
- [2. API endpoints](#2-api-endpoints)
- [/generateAccessToken](#generateaccesstoken)
- [/testAccessToken](#testaccesstoken)
- [/planets/getPlanet](#planetsgetplanet)
- [/planets/getAllPlanets](#planetsgetallplanets)
- [/research/getResearch](#researchgetresearch)
- [/research/performResearch](#researchperformresearch)
- [/build/createBuilding](#buildcreatebuilding)
# 1. Description of custom types
## AccessToken
_id: ObjectId // (MongoDB)
type: "A" | "S" | "X" // Auth, Spy, Master
user: ObjectId | null // master token has this field empty
entropy: string // random bytes
createdAt: Date
expiresAt: Date | null // null for "never expires"
createdFrom: string
## Building
id: string
level: number
## Planet
_id: ObjectId,
owner: User,
name: string,
fields: number,
resources: Array<Resource>,
buildings: Array<Building>,
ships: Array<Ship>,
## Research
id: string
level: number
## Resource
name: string
amount: number
lastUpdated: Date
perHourMiningRate: number
## User
_id: ObjectId
username: string
email: string
password: string // hashed with argon2
lastLogin: Date
research: Array<Research>
planets: { // getting user planets requires second call to DB
partial: boolean; // so by default "partial" is true, and "data" is empty
data: Array<Planet> // unless specified otherwise in code
createdAt: Date
updatedAt: Date
# 2. API endpoints
2024-06-18 16:57:43 +00:00
## /generateAccessToken
**URL: POST** /generateAccessToken
**DESCRIPTION:** Used for generating new access tokens. Type X access token required via Authorization header
"username": "string"
"code": 200,
"message": "OK",
"accessToken": "A.MTcxODcxNDg2MTg5Mw.NjUzZTk2NzdlNWMzZDM2YjE1YmE3NGVi.QilYuiOT_svRX2iN7f7-jw"
## /testAccessToken
**URL: GET** /testAccessToken
**DESCRIPTION:** Used for testing access token validity. Type A access token required via Authorization header
**BODY:** N/A
"code": 200,
"message": "OK",
"data": "Access token valid for user gargamel"
## /planets/getPlanet
**URL: GET** /planets/getPlanet/*:planetId*
**DESCRIPTION:** Used to get data about specific planet with ID provided in URL. Type A access token required via Authorization header
**BODY:** N/A
"code": 200,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"id": "661d1163567111a5b4be8829",
"owner": "653e9677e5c3d36b15ba74eb",
"name": "Lyoko",
"fields": 20,
"resources": [],
"buildings": [],
"fleet": [],
## /planets/getAllPlanets
**URL: GET** /planets/getAllPlanets/
**DESCRIPTION:** Limited view of all planets of all players
**BODY:** N/A
"code": 200,
"message": "OK",
"data": [
"planetId": "661d1163567111a5b4be8829",
"ownerId": "653e9677e5c3d36b15ba74eb",
"name": "Lyoko"
"planetId": "666af607f0ae1e11d2d03544",
"ownerId": "653e9677e5c3d36b15ba74eb",
"name": "Cortex"
## /research/getResearch
**URL: GET** /research/getResearch
**DESCRIPTION:** Used to get data about user research (which technologies are unlocked and on which level). Type A access token required via Authorization header
**BODY:** N/A
"code": 200,
"message": "OK",
"data": [
"id": "basic-engine",
"level": 7
"id": "advanced-engine",
"level": 1
## /research/performResearch
**URL: POST** /research/performResearch
**DESCRIPTION:** Used to send request to start researching. Required buildings and resources are checked on planet provided in body. Type A access token required via Authorization header
"research": "string",
"planetId": "string"
"code": 200,
"message": "OK"
## /build/createBuilding
**URL: POST** /build/createBuilding
**DESCRIPTION:** Used to send request to build or upgrade building on planet. Required buildings and resources are checked on planet provided in body. Type A access token required via Authorization header
"building": "string",
"planetId": "string"
"code": 200,
"message": "OK"
2024-06-18 19:42:23 +00:00