diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 1db3fb3..b90c7d3 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,54 +1,19 @@ -# Astro Starter Kit: Basics +# Astro Colony -```sh -npm create astro@latest -- --template basics -``` +**Simple OGame clone** -[![Open in StackBlitz](https://developer.stackblitz.com/img/open_in_stackblitz.svg)](https://stackblitz.com/github/withastro/astro/tree/latest/examples/basics) -[![Open with CodeSandbox](https://assets.codesandbox.io/github/button-edit-lime.svg)](https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/github/withastro/astro/tree/latest/examples/basics) -[![Open in GitHub Codespaces](https://github.com/codespaces/badge.svg)](https://codespaces.new/withastro/astro?devcontainer_path=.devcontainer/basics/devcontainer.json) +## Installation -> 🧑‍🚀 **Seasoned astronaut?** Delete this file. Have fun! +Requirements: +- Node v20.8.0 +- npm 10.2.0 +- MongoDB 7.0.11 -![just-the-basics](https://github.com/withastro/astro/assets/2244813/a0a5533c-a856-4198-8470-2d67b1d7c554) +Steps: +1. clone +2. `npm ci` +3. `npm run dev` -## 🚀 Project Structure +## Tests -Inside of your Astro project, you'll see the following folders and files: - -```text -/ -├── public/ -│ └── favicon.svg -├── src/ -│ ├── components/ -│ │ └── Card.astro -│ ├── layouts/ -│ │ └── Layout.astro -│ └── pages/ -│ └── index.astro -└── package.json -``` - -Astro looks for `.astro` or `.md` files in the `src/pages/` directory. Each page is exposed as a route based on its file name. - -There's nothing special about `src/components/`, but that's where we like to put any Astro/React/Vue/Svelte/Preact components. - -Any static assets, like images, can be placed in the `public/` directory. - -## 🧞 Commands - -All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal: - -| Command | Action | -| :------------------------ | :----------------------------------------------- | -| `npm install` | Installs dependencies | -| `npm run dev` | Starts local dev server at `localhost:4321` | -| `npm run build` | Build your production site to `./dist/` | -| `npm run preview` | Preview your build locally, before deploying | -| `npm run astro ...` | Run CLI commands like `astro add`, `astro check` | -| `npm run astro -- --help` | Get help using the Astro CLI | - -## 👀 Want to learn more? - -Feel free to check [our documentation](https://docs.astro.build) or jump into our [Discord server](https://astro.build/chat). +Integrated tests are available to run with `npm test` command from `/test` folder \ No newline at end of file